Software > Company > Symate GmbH

Symate GmbH, based in Dresden, was founded on March 13, 2012 as a spin-off of the Institute for Machine Tools and Control Engineering (IWM) at the Technical University of Dresden. Symate's mission is to make industrial plants and complete process chains more intelligent and efficient through automated data analysis and AI. To this end, Detact was developed in large-scale research projects.

Detact is the most comprehensive infrastructure for the use of AI in heterogeneous manufacturing process chains. Detact can integrate data sources in a wide range of formats from physically separate system areas and merge them at a higher level. Detact apps automate the use of AI and communicate with machine operators and engineers or even directly with plants in real time.

There is currently no comparable solution on the market that enables a cross-process chain overall parameter view as efficiently and that allows for similarly easy adaptability to a wide range of process chains with specific data processing and analytics requirements. The basis for this is the results of projects by the German Research Foundation and a cutting-edge technology cluster with a focus on mathematical statistics, machine learning, data mining, distributed data management, server clustering and cloud computing.

Currently, 20 employees are working at the Dresden site on the further development of Detact. With Detact, Symate already supports the ongoing production at well-known companies in the automotive and aerospace industries, such as the BMW Group, Audi AG, Elbe Flugzeugwerke and ThyssenKrupp AG, as well as process developments at research institutions such as the Fraunhofer Institute, the German Aerospace Center, the Technical Universities of Chemnitz and Dresden.

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Corporate Information

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Symate GmbH
Georg-Treu-Platz 3
DE - 01067 Dresden
+49 (0) 351 82126-300 (Fax)
Mr. Dr. Martin Juhrisch
+49 (0) 351 82126-300
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