Software > Company > INVARIS Informationssysteme GmbH

INVARIS Informationssysteme GmbH was founded in 1986 and employs approximately 56 people at its headquarters in Eisenstadt. In the more than 30 years of its existence, the company has developed into one of the leading solution providers of standard software in the field of output and document management.

INVARIS was awarded the Austrian National Coat of Arms in 2006 as a financially stable and innovative company and won the first ECM Award Switzerland in 2013.

INVARIS' customer base primarily includes international companies from the banking and financial services industry, the public sector and energy suppliers with high document volumes. Notable customers include the Raiffeisen Banking Group Austria (A), Frankfurter Sparkasse (D), PostFinance (CH), the Federal Employment Agency (D), ÖGK (A), Berlin Wasser (D), Energie Burgenland (A), MAN (D) and Sixt (D).

Areas of Expertise

Template CREATION - universal development platform for perfect document design, efficient management and versioning of document definitions and building blocks, flexible management of multilingual texts.

Document EDIT - intelligent interactive form editing and automated text processing

Document TESTING - quality assurance through automated document comparison

Document PREPARATION - high-performance, scalable document generation from almost all data sources

Process MANAGEMENT - automation through process-oriented individualised document presentation

Document PROCESSING - automated processes in output management


ARGE GSV plus | Ärzteversorgung Niedersachsen | Referenz Avaloq | Berliner Wasserbetriebe | BMW Group | Bundesagentur für Arbeit | COUVERTIC | Deutsche Leasing | Deutsche Rentenversicherung | DMG MORI | energie Burgenland | Energie Südbayern | Frankfurter Sparkasse | Grazer Wechselseitige | IHK | IT.NRW | it SV | Kraftfahrtbundesamt | Lechwerke | LGT | MAN | Mühlböck | nobilia | Österreichische Gesundheitskasse (ÖGK) | PERI | PostFinance | Raiffeisen Bankengruppe | schufa | Schwäbisch Hall | Sixt | STORZ | SVLFG | Team!Bank | UniCredit Leasing | universum inkasso | Valida Vorsorgekasse | VBL | VKB Bank | Walser Privatbank

Company Location

Corporate Information

Founding year:
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Certified Partner:
INVARIS Informationssysteme GmbH
AT - 7000 Eisenstadt
+43 (0) 2862 64000 - 900 (Fax)
Mr. DI Franz Guszich
Contact inquiry
Company exposé

Manufacturing and distribution of the following software products

goSmart® Customer Communication Management Suite

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