For 30 years, INPLAN has been developing standard software solutions for ports, port terminals and logistics service providers. INPLAN software is used by well-known customers in Germany and abroad, such as the Port of Aqaba (Jordan), BASF, Bayernhafen Group, Port of Beirut (Lebanon), Haeger & Schmidt, JadeWeserPort, the state of Lower Saxony, RheinCargo, thyssenkrupp – in total, INPLAN is responsible for the digitization of operational business processes at over 50 locations, making it the market leader in the field of port management and terminal operating solutions. The second pillar of INPLAN is a software solution for procurement processes with equally well-known customers such as ARAG, DEVK, Kuratorium Fortuna Wien, Santander or Löwen Play.
The consistent expansion of software for mobile, IoT and AI components and the realization of automated cooperative processes also flow into our daily work as partners in funded projects and drive the continuous development of our skills and solutions.