Gisbo Softwareentwicklung and EDV-Beratung GmbH was founded in 1995 and is located at Etzelweg 234 in Zweibrücken.
The Gisbo GmbH assembles a young dynamic team of highly qualified application developers, IT specialists and university graduates. Our claim is to accompany customers in partnership and to inspire them with new ideas, technologies and innovations. You as the client are involved in the software development process from the very beginning. The project is managed in such a way that you can test new results of the current development status at short intervals.
The requirements become more concrete as soon as the software is used for the first time or is in operation. We can immediately incorporate change requests into the overall concept and thus stay as close as possible to the ideal line during the entire development cycle.
With our experience and expertise, we can plan your requirements far-sightedly and implement them efficiently.
As one of the leading players we develop and distribute the innovative alerting software - GisboAlarm including a de-escalation training tailored to your needs for maximum safety at the workplace as well as the intelligent staff scheduling software- GisboTimer for time recording, duty scheduling and leave management in the public sector.
More than 100,000 employees in city councils, district administrations, municipalities, courts, hospitals, universities, public prosecutor's offices and companies are protected by the alarm software. An excerpt from our reference list is available on request!
For the GisboTimer we count all correctional institutions of the federal states Saarland, Rhineland-Palatinate, Baden-Wuerttemberg, North Rhine-Westphalia and Bremen among our customers. Furthermore, we can count the University of Mainz, the German Weather Service and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg among our reference customers.